Discover Astrological Connections (Possibilities) of Owning Your Own House

Discover Astrological Connections (Possibilities) of Owning Your Own House

Food, Clothes, and Shelter – these are the quintessential to live for every human being. The majority of us earn our bread and butter and buy clothes readily. However, not everyone is lucky enough to own his/her home. But, do you want to know what astrology says about your Home Luck? Then you are in luck. Today, in this blog, we will learn about the astrological connections that show whether one can have his/her own house or not.  Astrologer Sourav Chatterjee (Roy), the Siliguri best astrologer shared his ink to explore the planetary combinations and other celestial connections in the birth chart responsible for buying a home. 


You can consult Astrologer Sourav in Siliguri in person or online to learn about the astrological indications of owning your own home. 


Let’s dive deep into the discussion…..


Houses in Vedic Astrology Indicate Owning a House


4th house in a horoscope is the house of your home, luxury, comfort, and happiness. The lordship, strength, and planetary placement in the house indicate how strong/weak the chances a native has of owning his/her own home.  However, apart from the 4th house, a few houses also play major roles in owning a house. Let us see which houses are important to check while you dream of your own home. 

  • 4th house: The prime house that indicates whether you can buy your home or not. 
  • 2nd House: Your 2nd house shows the strength of your asset and is the 11th house from the 4th house. 
  • 1st House: If your 1st house is strong and shares a positive connection with the 4th house, you might have your own home. 
  • 11th House: Whether you can have your own home or not, your 11th house and its lord say about it loudly. 


Placement of the 4th House Lord for Having Own House


Followed by the strength of the 4th house lord, we must check the connections that your 4th house lord has created in your birth chart. Let us reveal the connections to decipher the possibilities of owning your own house. 

  • If your 4th house and 1st house lord are placed together in a benefic house, you may buy your own home.
  • If the placement of the 4th house lord is positive in the D-4 chart, it indicates a strong chance of owning a home. 
  • If Mercury is in the Parakram Bhava (3rd house) and the 4th house lord is well placed, the native can buy a lovely house. 
  • If the 4th house lord is exalted or placed in his own house in Navamsha, it strongly indicates owning a home/land/plot. 
  • The placement of beneficial planets like Venus, Jupiter, Moon, or Mars also indicates the chances of owning a house.
  • If the 4th house lord is in good condition and trine of the 9th house lord, the native may have his own home.  
  • When the 4th house lord is conjunct with Saturn, Mars, or Venus in a friendly house, the native might have his own home. 


Apart from the planetary combinations and connections, the Dasha has a prime role in owning your own house. If you are undergoing the Mahadasha of your 4th house lord or Mars, Venus, or Jupiter, the possibilities of owning your house get higher. 


Wrapping Up, 

The lordship of the 4th house varies from chart to chart. However, you could have a vivid picture of whether you can buy a home with personalized predictions once you consult Astrologer Sourav Chatterjee (Roy), the Siliguri best astrologer of trust.  Book your appointment now for personalized reading and remedies regarding your Home Luck. 

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