At the core of Vedic Astrology, the strength of planets counts on their position and placement in the zodiac chart, and the placement/strength of planets (varies from chart to chart) astrologers deliver predictions and remedies as well. Today, from the best astrologer in Siliguri, Astrologer Sourav Chatterjee (Roy), we will decipher the strength of planets according to their state of exaltation and debilitation.
So, let’s delve into the discussion…
Exaltation & Debilitation Points of Planets in Astrology
No planet loses its strength or regains its power suddenly. Their energy and strength are static, but they are dynamic due to their continuous movement. So, one can ask why we call a planet exalted or debilitated. Do planets born and die again and again? The answer is NO. Planets and their energy remain the same. However, they behave strong and weak according to their placement in the zodiac belt. For instance, the comfort we find at our home, or our closest friend’s home, we cannot find elsewhere. Even, in a place that we don’t like or suit our Aura, we feel uneasiness/restriction there. This same happens to the planets based on the zodiac signs.
So, let’s not make the blog boring, but discuss the houses where a planet feels the happiest (Point of Exaltation), and where it feels disgusted/restricted (Point of Debilitation).
1. Exaltation & Debilitation of Sun: Sun becomes exalted in Aries, and debilitated in Libra at 10 degrees. The power the Sun finds at Aries is not found in the house of partnership or marriage, the Libra. Sun likes to rule and following partners is not its forte.
2. Exaltation & Debilitation of Moon: Moon gets exalted in Taurus, and debilitated in Scorpio at 3 degrees. Moon likes comfort and peace. Taurus can provide it all to the Moon. But Scorpio, the sign of mystery disturbs the Moon’s energy.
3. Exaltation & Debilitation of Mars: Mars exalted in Capricorn and debilitated in Cancer at 28 degrees. Mars is fire and enthusiasm. It finds its worth in the robust sign, Capricorn, and loses its strength in the emotional sign, Cancer.
4. Exaltation & Debilitation of Mercury: Mercury gets exalted and debilitated respectively in Virgo and Pisces at 15 degrees. Mercury is the planet of analytical power and intelligence, and the sign of Pisces is just the opposite. Thus, Mercury loses its strength in Pisces.
5. Exaltation & Debilitation of Jupiter: Jupiter gets exalted at Cancer and debilitated at Capricorn at 5 degrees. Jupiter is the planet of free will and it loves to stay with mass. Thus, it gets exalted in Cancer, and can’t resist the toughness of Capricorn, the house of discipline and strict routine.
6. Exaltation & Debilitation of Venus: It exalts at Pisces and debilitates at Virgo at 27 degrees. Venus is a luxurious planet. It cannot feel the ease in Virgo where conflict is the main thing to cherish. However, Pisces brings it the comfort and space of creativity it desires.
7. Exaltation & Debilitation of Saturn: Saturn exalts at the 20 degrees of Libra and debilitates at the 20 degrees of Aries. Saturn likes to work backstage and cannot rule. So, Saturns cannot digest the energy of Aries, the sign of leadership; but, gets exalted at Libra where partnership matters.
This is how all the planets get exalted or debilitated according to the energies of the houses. Exaltation or Debilitation is not about losing or gaining power. It is all about energy alignment for the planets.
Hope you found the blog informative. If you want to unearth more about exalted/debilitated planets and check whether you have any planets in such position, consult Astrologer Sourav Chatterjee (Roy), the best astrologer in Siliguri renowned for providing insightful and precise predictions online and offline.