16 Vastu Tips for Child’s Study Room

16 Vastu Tips for Child’s Study Room Ensure Educational Progress

The era we live in is indeed competitive. Here you cannot expect your child to be successful unless he achieves the highest level of skill. Along with astrology, Vastu helps to promote positive vibes in your home which allows your child to study without distraction and continuously acquire skills. So, today in this blog, we will learn a few Vastu tips from a good astrologer in Dunlop to boost your child’s performance in academics.

You can apply the tips for your child’s study room or in the room where he lives and studies together. In both cases, you need to follow the same Vastu tips we are going to discuss.

3-Basic Vastu Tips for Children’s Educational Progress 

We live surrounded by energy known as cosmic energy. Energies are invisibly connected to us. While positive energy helps us thrive, negative energy can destroy us. The rule is the same for your child whether he achieves success or struggles with energy variations and vibrations. There are three rules to follow when you want your children to progress and succeed in their studies through Vastu. These are

  1. First, get your child connected to cosmic energy by choosing the Vastu-compliant direction for studies.
  2. Next, balance the CHI following the structure.
  3. Lastly, help your child to channel cosmic energy through Chakras.

If you can teach your child to follow these three rules, you will see that he will improve in his studies. Astrologer Sourav Chatterjee (Roy), an expert Vastu consultant cum astrologer certainly assists you to improve your child’s education once you consult him.

Additional Yet Essential Vastu Tips for Studies for Children

A Vastu-compliant study room allows your children to study with full concentration and less distraction. So, let us have a look at general Vastu tips that allow students to study hard without attention issues.

  1. First of all, the study room should be tidy and clutter-free.
  2. Try to build the study room for your children in the North or West direction in your house.
  3. Make sure the center of the room should be empty. It allows the free flow of positive energy.
  4. Don’t place his bed directly against the door.
  5. Place the bed in the South-West corner of the room. Always maintain a few inches of gap between the wall and the bed.
  6. Place the study table against the north wall.
  7. The color of the study room of your kid should be light green or sky.
  8. The bookshelves should be neat and nicely arranged.
  9. Avoid placing a Television, or Mirror in the kid’s study room.
  10. If there is an almirah then place it in the south or west side of the room.
  11. Don’t hang any picture or artwork that shows violence and creates unrest in the child’s mind.
  12. The room must have windows that welcome sufficient Sunlight and allow the free flow of air to retain positive energy.
  13. Choose a study table in a rectangular or square shape.

Hope, you find this write-up helpful for your kid’s study room. If you want to have fully personalized Vastu Suggestions for your kid’s study room to ensure their success and progress in the educational realm, please feel free to contact Astrologer Sourav Chatterjee (Roy), a good astrologer in Dunlop and a Vastu expert at your fingertips.

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